So, it's late friday night in Dublin, everyone has gone to bed and I'm blogging a little. We've been out in the irish countryside for a few days hence the delayed news. I'm tired, so I'm going to post a few pics and leave them to do the 'plaining. To cap it, we went out west ireland with Ryan and Cecilia, to the dingle peninsula. We spent a day biking 30 miles, half of which was through wind and rain. Last night we spent the night at the oldest hostel in ireland, a 14th century norman castle, playing a little settlers and drinking beer. good stuff. Tomorrow we're off to the czech republic and I dont think i'll be on the internet anytime soon. love to all.

I just spent some time catching up on your posts - totally jealous about your jet-setting, exciting travels! I'm in TN for the 4th and am remembering our get-togethers from previous years at the beach in Evanston. Ah the stories...
Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm excited that y'all are having such a great time, and I'm looking forward to hanging out when you return to the US.
Andrew B
you 2 sound extremly tired. 30 mile bike ride where do you get your energy from? What a shambles England was!! what a tired old team we have!! and as for Roony!! what can I say. Then Brazil another older team going out. Well who will it be? I think Germany deserve to win, they have played like a happy team.
love mum
Can't wait 'till Friday will see my son for the first time this year!!
I miss you guys! Thanks for the updates and entertaining pics.
This has been a very sad week in world football. But the two goals from Italy yesterday made up for some of it. Go Portugal!
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